Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Our Turkish Road Trip

We flew from Istanbul to Izmir then rented a car and drove to Ephusus and Selcuk as well as Marmaris and Datca, then back up inland to the sulfer pools at Pammukale. It was a great trip. We saw alot in 4 days, and not without hassle. First our internet-reserved rental car was no where to be found. Not the car, the company itself. No one had ever heard of them, and the phone number we had did not pick up other than a fax. Glad we didnt pay ahead on that one! We booked another car at the airport and it was about $80 less than the cheapest we found on line! Our first thought wasn't "SCORE," we are much to travel savvy at this point, it was alot more like "lets see the contract first" and "please read me the fine print in english."

All checked out ok to our surprise and we were back on the road! Ephusus is an awesome Roman site from 200BC or so if my memory suits me. The small town next to it, Selcuk was also very nice. We got a good feel for small town Turkey there. Next we drove about 4 hours down to Marmaris. I thought it was like a dumpy middle eastern Nice. We stopped for lunch and pressed on with a recommendation to go to Datca by our waiter. This place turned out to be great. Classic small Mediterranean sea-side town. We loved it. Even though our hotel was right next to the mosque, we still didn't mind. Being next to a mosque is significant because there is a call to prayer 5 times a day from a loud speaker. Its nothing as polite as a "hey everyone, prayer time" its more like 5 minutes of someone howling at the moon with hiccups. Like I said, we didn't mind, our room was spotless and cost us 30 Lira (about $22).

After relaxing for two nights in Datca we drove back towards Izmir turning inland and stopping at Pammukale. The site wasn't quite as impressive as the postcards, but still completely unique and amazing. It is a giant mountside of calcium deposit clinging to the hill like a scab. The best part is, the way the water carrying the calcium runs down the hill creates these incredible patterns and pools as it goes. Really alien looking stuff! BUT, when we got there, there wasn't much water flowing so the pools were very dry and not quite as picturesque.

After a short flight we were back in Istanbul, and not having had any luck finding a reasonably priced hotel online we decided to wing it for our last nights accommodation. Big mistake. We were assailed by rip off hockers at the terminal, and were not helped much at all from the information booth (they called one of the hockers over). Eventually we found our way to a hotel that offered to pick us up for the reasonable price of 75Lira. Well, long story short, in the morning they told us it was 75 Euro (about 150Lira)! We told them to get stuffed and left in a hurry.

At the airport, our flight to Athens was cancelled. Beautiful. Did I mention we(I mean me) got a speeding ticket too! And the best part is, we've got to find a hotel again!! Its not all mangos and sunsets out here!

Turkish men are almost as lazy as Italian men!

Turkish coffee gave Mike a tick

Have a closer look, it really is mud!

Turkish boat in Datca harbor

More of the fine harbor
Amie enjoys a Kabap

The ducks enjoy a cookie
This guy's gal enjoys a side-saddle ride
Turkish country home
Turkish dog
Turkish boy
Turkish pizza

Mike after a Turkish Bath
Turkish man (note moustache)
Amie likes Turkey!
So does Mike (hair by salon selectives)


Pele and Jeff said...

Thanks for your updates! I enjoy reading about what you are doing and visualize being there with you! It sounds like you are having quite an adventure . .enjoy and be safe!! You are true travelers now : ) flights cancelled . then you make the best of it! Love you . . (guess who?)

Pele and Jeff said...
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el guapo said...

love the turkish haircut, miket keep that alive.. Can I get a photo of a turkish cornish game hen?

che chepe pate, the road is sanding

ginaandtariq said...

Love the hair mike! The turkish outfit after your bath was great too!

sounds like you guys are having lots and lots of fun! can't wait to hear about the next place you hit...